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Why Are We Doing This?

Because we believe that humans are innately good and that all we really want is peace. This idea or concept might be a stretch for some of you, but I know there are others out there who believe whole-heartedly that this is possible. Listen, the reality is that the world is not going to change until we work together to make it happen. NAMUH has faith in humanity. We believe people want a world with freedom for all. All places, all people. For all the genders, races and sexualities. We know that humans should love and respect nature and all of its creatures. And we know that NAMUH won't stop until humans are making movements to do this. Collaborating with youth and young adults all around the world who share this passion. This dream.

NAMUH has the ability to spread ideas around the world. Ideas are the very first and most important step to creating innititaves that will evoke change. Why are we so afraid of change? Visit the post titled "Fear the Mirror" for our opinion on that!

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